“Within the Large Infrastructure Operational Program, projects with European funding were carried out regarding the implementation of integrated waste management systems.
There are many administrative-territorial units that want those centers of voluntary contribution and have submitted projects for them. We will continue to support circular economy investments through three national programs,” Bogdan Pascut, State Secretary, Ministry of Investments and European Funds said during Circular Economy Conference organized by Sustainability Today.
“Within the Sustainable Development Program, the investments are aimed at the circular economy and will be in agreement with the circular economy strategy through operations to promote priority activities, through ranking and waste management. This program will respond to development needs through new investments, by continuing those started for municipal waste management and by supporting the improvement of governance in this sector.
The sustainable development program aims to accelerate the transition to the circular economy in order to fulfill the requirements of the environmental directives.
The total financial allocation, both from the cohesion fund and from the state budget dedicated to this sector, is 480 million euros. We consider it a sufficient allocation.”
Full recording of the conference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dz1zrmH4Sa8&t=8196