Between March 21-26, the first edition of the “DEER Forest” corporate social responsibility campaign took place, a project through which Distributie Energie Electrica Romania planted a forest, more precisely 6,500 saplings, equivalent to the number of company employees. The afforestation action took place in Prunis (Cluj County).
“Forests purify water, clean the air, capture carbon to fight climate change, provide food and medicine that save lives. It is up to all of us to protect these precious natural resources. Through our project, DEER Forest, we managed to materialize a dream that we had since the beginning of the mandate, and which, with the support and involvement of colleagues and partners, came to life. Thus, we managed to plant the first DEER Forest, and we are going to take this project to all the 18 counties where we operate, to offer communities a healthier environment, clean air and opportunities to relax in nature”, said Mihaela Rodica Suciu, general manager DEER.