    HomeNewsRomania approved the National Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change for 2024-2030

    Romania approved the National Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change for 2024-2030

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    During the government meeting on August 14, the Government approved, at the proposal of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests, the Government Decision for the adoption of the National Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change (SNASC) for the period 2024-2030, with the perspective of 2050.

    “This essential strategy, carried out with the support of the Presidential Administration and the Interministerial Committee for Climate Change within the Government of Romania, strengthens Romania’s ability to respond to the challenges generated by climate change, at the same time aligning itself with the international commitments assumed through the Paris Agreement and European legislation,” a release shows.

    “The adoption of the National Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change represents a landmark moment in our commitment to protect Romania and its citizens from the unprecedented challenges of modern times. Climate change is not just an abstract threat, but a reality that directly influences every aspect of our lives. Through this strategy, we aim to be not only reactive, but proactive, building a resilient Romania, able to successfully face these challenges and protect our vital resources, public health and ecosystems. It is our responsibility, as a nation, to ensure a sustainable future for future generations,” said Mircea Fechet, Minister of Environment, Water and Forests.

    SNASC aims to improve the adaptation capacity of Romania’s socio-economic and ecological systems, with the aim of reducing the impact of climate change on the population and the environment.

    One of the main benefits of this strategy is to protect vulnerable citizens and communities from the effects of climate change, such as: drought, floods or extreme weather events. SNASC promotes nature-based solutions and ecosystem adaptation, emphasizing the importance of biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services for sustainable development.

    The strategy covers multiple key sectors, including water resources, forests, public health, education, energy and transport, providing clear directions for action and specific measures for each area. These measures will be monitored and evaluated periodically, ensuring an effective implementation adapted to the national context.

    The adoption of the SNASC is also an essential condition for obtaining a loan of 466.9 million Euros from the World Bank, intended for the development of disaster risk management policies. This financial support will facilitate the implementation of the necessary measures to reduce Romania’s vulnerability to climate risks and to promote a model of sustainable development.

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